The report “Event marketing 2022/2023: The challenges of the meetings industry in uncertain times.”

By BluExperience | March 25, 2024 | report

event marketing report sustainability 2023 2024 bluexperience

The report “Event marketing 2022/2023: The challenges of the meetings industry in uncertain times.”

The years 2021-22 were unique in the country, Europe and the world. They were marked by pandemics, Ukraine, inflation and growing uncertainty about what comes next. This question was asked not only by ordinary citizens, but also by businesses, operating in perhaps every industry. The event industry, particularly hard hit by negative external factors, was no exception. Was it actually that bad? What might the future bring? How to prepare for it? These are the main questions the Report answers.


Times are uncertain, but…

The diagnostic part of the report is devoted to the period between January 2021 and June 2022. This is a long time, during which a lot happened – and it was, after all, another year in a row. Nevertheless, the study’s conclusions can be considered positive and optimistic about the future. Especially important is the growing popularity of offline events. We have heard repeatedly that pandemic habits will permanently change the trends of the meetings industry. Meanwhile, offline is defending itself strongly, and the need for F2F meetings has not disappeared at all – and this is not only true for business. This one, however, rates Event Marketing very highly, placing it fourth in the ranking of the most popular communication tools. There is also a strong conviction towards it – we are much more likely to see it introduced into the marketing strategy on a permanent basis than incidental use.

The prognosis is also on the side of Event Marketing – the report predicts that corporate budgets will remain at similar levels, while the volume of entities interested in using EM will increase.

What is important to emphasize is that hard times have allowed us to develop new solutions, improve the functionality of tools, develop more efficient processes, especially in digital. If – which, fortunately, does not seem to be the case – we would face limitations in offline activities, online we have already worked through. Does this mean that there are no concerns? Of course not. The industry points to legal and logistical constraints on operations as the biggest threat, but also points to the large impact of external economic, economic and social conditions.

What exactly is the 2021/22 diagnosis from the industry and customer side? What were the barriers and benefits? What are the recommendations for Event Marketing for 2023, what will it be used for and what innovations do our Clients expect?

That’s all in our latest report.


The publication was developed by a team led under the aegis of, consisting of representatives of agencies: BERM, Blu Experience, El Padre, KDK Events, Live Age and Plej.

The report “Event marketing 2022 / 2023: Challenges of the meetings and events industry in uncertain times” is the second publication dedicated to the meetings and events market developed by this team.

Download the report